As individuals, sustainability is no longer just an “ecological” way of thinking, but it is a truly responsible approach to everyday life.
From the purchase of certified products and services to the most trivial precautions to avoid wasting water and energy, digital, social, economic and environmental sustainability is a more sensible way of living on this planet. Both to improve the well-being of all and to prevent and mitigate climate change.
Inquiring about sustainability issues is therefore increasingly important, including through podcasts. Here are 10 of the best podcasts of 2023 to improve this theme.
Top 5 podcast in English.
1. THE EDIE PODCAST: this international podcast is focused on collaboration and industrial innovation to increase knowledge on sustainability and maximize the efficiency of the resources available on this planet. On a bi-weekly basis, the hosts interview experts on corporate sustainability.
2. GREENBIZ 350: talks about sustainability in business and technology. The hosts interview business leaders who are contributing to sustainable and technological development. Also in this podcast it is possible to gather unpublished and innovative informations.
3. OUTRAGE + OPTIMISM: it deals with global issues with figures of international importance, speaking of all the consequences due to climate change and denouncing the destructive role that human activity is having.
4. HOW TO SAVE A PLANET: a real guide to saving the world we know today. By listening to the interviews, it is possible to learn fundamental advice for adopting a more sustainable lifestyle with a reduced environmental impact.
5. THE IMPACT REPORT: created by students of Bard College in New York to discuss sustainability and social responsibility with business leaders from around the world. Whether you’re a student or a business executive, this podcast unearths key business strategies in 2023.
Top 5 podcast in Italian
1. IL GIUSTO CLIMA: this podcast is among the most useful if we want to reduce our environmental impact in everyday life, as it dispenses very useful advice to promote a more sustainable lifestyle, while explaining the importance of combating climate change.
2. DICONO CHE: in this podcast, the presenter talks to experts and scientists on environmental issues. Waste management, water problems, social issues and sustainable mobility. It is a series made up of 7 episodes of about 15 minutes each one, from which it will be possible to dissect many themes that are important at an environmental level.
3. SOSTENIBILITÀ FOR BEGINNERS: The podcast covers all issues of Sustainable Development and aims to communicate the importance of this sector to as wide an audience as possible, using simple and direct language.
4. I AM REGENERATIVE: is the podcast that helps you implement sustainability strategies from a Circular Economy and Blue Economy perspective. It discusses aboutnature-based solutions, case studies and methods to encourage sustainable development, but also the impact that environmental strategies have on a social level.
5. L’ALFABETO DELLA SOSTENIBILITÀ: it talks about energy consumption, sustainable future, citizen practices to reduce electricity consumption and strategies for companies. 21 episodes with a specific theme to fight climate change.
Now feel free to choose the one that best reflects your interests. The advantage of podcasts is ease of access: just connect, even from your mobile phone, and listen.
From a digital sustainability perspective, listening to podcasts can also be a more sustainable choice than watching videos, given that they are exclusively audio content, consequently reducing our digital carbon footprint.