Nothing is thrown away from the vine

New uses of oenological waste

Valuing waste from the wine supply chain to make it a precious resource. This circular economy process makes it possible to obtain various by-products from pomace, grape seeds, vine shoots, stems and wine lees. The goal is twofold: to reduce the production of waste and to recover bioactive compounds that are useful on a nutritional level.
So what are the main wine wastes and what do we get from them?


Grapeseed oil can be obtained from grape seeds, used both in food and in cosmetics. The composition of grape seeds is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, low in saturated fatty acids and their antioxidant capacity helps to exert a nutraceutical effect in foods. Flour can also be obtained from grape seeds and is already appreciated as an ingredient especially for the preparation of desserts. With the lignin of the grape seeds it is also possible to obtain briquettes for combustion, to burn in stoves and fireplaces.


Grappa, distillates and alcohol are obtained from the pomace and, once the alcohol has been obtained, they are also used for the production of fertilizers. In horticulture and gardening, the pomace is used as a soil improver; they are even used as fodder for animals and, after drying, as fuel, ethanol. The grape skins are also used for the maturing of some types of cheese.

Sermentì of pruning

They are reused for the production of compost directly in the vineyard or in separate heaps or in some cases they are dried for the production of eco-leather

The fact: 99.4% of wine production waste can be reused to make other products and energy. Creating new resources that re-enter the production cycle is essential for a sustainable wine supply chain and we at Sunny Farm know it well. Our organic wines come from a company that has made sustainability its strong point, always trying to innovate while respecting nature and the final consumer.


